Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Complimentary Productivity

"Mother, Thomas the train and these little people figurines say I need a haircut!"

I've secured a new writing space, which thankfully, does not double as our master bath (although I do come up with creative ideas any time I go in there, it's kinda weird).

The cafe just steps from our apartment closed back in December, leaving me workspaceless and in utter despair.  So where does any person needing a cheap office type space infused with not so cheap beverages head to?

Starbucks, of course.

So far it's going very well.  I've gotten a lot of writing done.  Even more importantly, I've been told I have not only great hair but also great skin by perfect strangers.  I've gabbed with another stranger about her dissertation and overheard the most interesting conversations ever.

In a nutshell, I LOVE it.  And considering there is a steady line for coffee throughout the day--often times practically out the door-- I don't have to worry about my office, er cafe, closing anytime soon.

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