Thursday, September 9, 2010

Year One Done

"Now listen, I will agree to stay here another year with you two as long as we revisit the original plan.  Wait...what??  There was never a plan?  What do you mean there was never any plan?!  Who moves across the country without a plan?!!?  DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE?!!"    

We did it.  A year ago today Mr. Jarcy, The Boy, Creepy the Cat and I moved to Los Angeles via Chicago.  Holy s*#t!

To say the year has sped by is putting it mildly.  To say it's been easy breezy is putting it very mildly.  And to say the coming year will be any easier is just plain stupid.

I still miss my family as intensely as the day I left them.  Sometimes more.  (Have I mentioned I hate being away from them?  I do.)  The Boy is still a night owl and his tendencies to be wide awake past 10PM usually coincide with the nights I want to be asleep by 8:30PM.  The cat still takes Prozac daily and I still think about taking Prozac daily. (Hey, not fair!  Why does the cat get to have all the fun?)  There are a lot of "stills" in our lives...still.

But we're not still living with those miserable, drunken and evil landladies in an occasionally uninhabitable Chicago apartment praying for something happier, something warmer, something sunnier.  We got that covered!  And a screaming newborn has been replaced by a tantrummy toddler (a VERY cute albeit "passionate" fellow).  That's covered as well!  And I've evolved from a clueless new mom to a clueless new mom who likes to write every day and will be taking a writing class at UCLA for ten weeks.  Covered!

Yes, it's all going according to our non-plan-- Year one is done.  (Sigh and shivers) 

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