Monday, November 1, 2010


Seemingly out of nowhere, The Boy began to speak actual words.  It all went down this weekend.

First lots of "Mom" and "Dad."  He says them like this-- MAAAAAAAM!!!!  DAAAAAAAAD!!!!  DAAAAAAM!!!!  (I can only assume that's his way of joining our two names like Bennifer or Brangelina.  We are a Hollywood power couple after all.  :-) )

Then he moved on to "apple" and "camel."  By chance we visited a park that has a big, concrete camel and, lo and behold, he said CAMEL!  How does he even know what a camel is, we wondered?  I don't recall any camels in our books or TV programs.  Huh.

Also in rotation is "baby" and "book."  Somehow baby is said correctly, however, book is pronounced "gook."  

It's all quite exciting!


Mrs. Jarcy said...

This just in--words also added to the roster include:
GO (while racing Mommy)
PUSH (while pushing Mommy all over)

Carrie said...

Wow! That is so exciting! He was just waiting to really wow.