Thursday, August 5, 2010

Entourage? Is That...You?

Something rather amazing has happened.

You lost 10 pounds?!

No, not that.  (Insert heavy sigh here.)  I wrote tasks in my calendar!


It's been awhile since I've had tasks to keep track of beyond "Go to target for baby wash" or "schedule doctor visit for Boy."  Those things made the list too but I had enough little project tasks to complete that I needed to bring up my computer's scheduler to remind me of all these things!

You are expected to do so little from day to day that you haven't needed a calendar?  Who are you???

I've needed a calendar but not a personal project-based calendar.  See the difference?

Not really. 

Look, the point is I'm doing something with my life beyond entering Pampers rewards points on the stupid Pampers website.  It's all very exciting!

Uh huh.

Oh, whatever.  If anyone needs me I'll be eating the last piece of apple pie taking a vigorous 40-minute walk.  (Insert heavy sigh here.)

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