Monday, July 16, 2007

Man Boys Attack Earth

Can someone please, please, PLEASE tell me why there are grown men zipping around the city on little kid dirt bikes and skateboards??!

It's an epidemic. I've seen several of them over the last month. And these are men, I'm not talking late teens or even early 20's. I'm talking 34, maybe even 43 years old. They're not just like big punks either. I imagine them riding off to their Wrigleyville graphic design office when I see them during the day. At night I'm wondering if they're en route to a date and the date has had to cab it. Head for the hills, sister! This one will be riding his 9 year old Huffy to the hospital while you drive yourself to deliver your first born! Toys purchased for the child will be confiscated for his own use, that is a promise! Now go find yourself a nice grown man who drives a Honda...hup to it!

That said, if there were an adult-size big wheel I would be the first to purchase. Those things are way too fun!

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