Thursday, July 23, 2009


The Boy is teething.  There is a little bottom tooth popping up and out of that gum line and it is wreaking havoc on our lives.  That tooth is my new nemesis.  

I don't want to say that because little boys need their little teeth but it just bites (double meaning there) when you just get out of the colicky newborn phase, have a brief stay in sleepy town and then plow head first into teething.  

My mother gave us this adorable little silver rattle that was mine.  She said I loved teething on it and thought The Boy might enjoy it as well.  He did.  He enjoyed it so much that he made his gums bleed like crazy from ramming into his little mouth.  We put him in his crib with it for all of 2 minutes unattended and returned with him oozing bloody drool all over the mattress and himself.  Lemme tell ya, you haven't lived until you see your babies blood.  Talk about a heart stopper!  

Okay, he seems to be asleep for 30 seconds so I gotta make the most of this time and attempt sleep myself.  (Yes, we're still living that way.  He's asleep?  Quick!  Get down! Get down before he wakes up and sleep yourself!)  

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