Thursday, December 3, 2009


Hello! Becoming a mother has made me two things -- selfless and self-centered. Just writing that statement is an example of these extremes I now exhibit. Interactions with others cannot take place without me talking about my mommy trials, tribulations and triumphs. However, having such little free time to myself makes these interactions rare. Now that I think about it, I should adjust "self-centered" to "boy-centered." When asked what is going on in my life that's just for me, I typically cock my head back and forth like a dog attempting to understand human language. Huh? What? Me without The Boy? I'm not following this communication, woof woof.

Yes, yes, boy-centered is much more appropriate. When the garbage men are outside with their loud banging all I can think is, So help me if they wake The Boy up!!! These are the same men who haul all the dirty diapers away too, I really should cut them some slack. And when the dude next door is too loud while he watches any number of sporting events I begin to seethe with rage. He's going to wake The Boy up again over football!? Come on! I suppose now he'll be smoking a cigarette off his balcony and smoke will make it's way into our home and The Boy's lungs yet again! It's as if these people must cater to my mommy demands or there's hell to pay. God forbid a fire engine barrel down the street to help someone in distress, it might wake up The Boy!

Extreme, I know. Except for that smoking part-- I tire of having our windows closed when it's 70 degrees out in December but the alternative would be like living in a hookah bar with the amount that dude smokes. But enough about the neighbor, let's talk about me for a change. So I can't decide what to get The Boy for Christmas...

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