Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 1 Of Nonstop Boy Party

First Night and Partial Day 1 of Single Parenting:

Around midnight, block front door with baby trike so that if someone breaks into our place they will stumble over that first and give us a fighting chance.  (Lordy, could I be any more dramatic?)

Sleep sporadically throughout the night.  Get up to check Boy from video monitor or actual visit into the room several times.  (Why more often when his father is away I have no idea.)

Wake up to Boy chatting with his toys in his crib at 7:30am.  (And thank the universe above that he slept through the night for the second night in a row.)

Make breakfast, play, change into clothes. (Alright so just a t-shirt and diaper, not full outfit.)

Get instructed by Boy to watch "Woody" and "Buzz."  Turn on Toy Story 3 that I purchased from our cable last night.  (Was it for him to watch or me?  We both enjoyed.)

Get instructed by Boy to stop watching "Woody" and "Buzz" and now to watch "Thomas."  Turn on Thomas video.  (Definitely for Boy's enjoyment, not mine.)

Get instructed by Boy to take walk. (YES!  Finally!  After several attempts to get out and put pants on him I have an opening.)

Discover poop affixed to my child's foot.  From him?  From cat?  WHERE DID THIS COME FROM?  (Still haven't figured that out unfortunately.)

Wander the neighborhood hand in hand.  (My all time favorite activity in life.  Ever.)

Lunch.  (PB and J for the billionth time for him, spicy fake chicken buffalo wings for first time for me.)

Nap.  (For him.  Blogging, reading and zoning out --mostly zoning out-- for me.)

It's only 2pm...  THE AFTERNOON IS OUR OYSTER!!!  (Not really, we're headed to 24 month check up with Dr. later this afternoon, followed by cocktails shortly thereafter I imagine.)

And now, the world is all caught up on the exciting ongoings of Boy and Mama... YOU'RE WELCOME!

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