Hello, the weekend has not been kind. Let me explain...
Our kitchen sinks won't drain and, therefore, have been inoperable for the last 4 days. Oh yeah, and they're leaking. Two plumbers came Friday afternoon, tinkered for over 3 hours and stated, "We're stumped, can't fix it, " before leaving forever. They said they would call me when another plumber was secured but that hasn't happened. So I waited all weekend and still we're washing dishes in our bathroom. The landlord doesn't seem as concerned but he drives a Cadillac and lives in the burbs so he must have more than one kitchen.
Our landlord is going to give me a full head of gray hair (which may already be the case but I color it and wouldn't know). Let me explain...
The plumbing issue made the list of reasons, of course, but now we have bigger problems. You see, he never fixed our roof or gotten the front of the building tuck pointed even though he's known that during rain it leaks into the building and destroying our walls and windows. Oh yeah, and there must be mold. Since it's been raining for 3 days straight, we have a steady stream of water on the inside of our windows. Essentially it's flooding in our 3rd floor apartment. And as far as we can tell, the plaster and nice wooden window frames are ruined. My spirit is also a casualty. Sadly, Mr. Landlord doesn't think it's a big deal. We're 5 months pregnant and facing a possible move.
As if buried in water EVERYWHERE in this joint weren't enough, we've had other boo boos. Let me explain...
My very nice and gently used Krups coffee maker has refused to work. It won't brew and, let me tell you, I could really have used a good cup of 1/2 caf, 1/2 decaf coffee yesterday. Why didn't I leave the premise to get a cup? Refer to the points above and you'll know I've spent the weekend cleaning up water from various entries.
Anyone have a perfectly nice Chicago apartment with coffee maker for the Jarcy's? We'd be very appreciative.