* I might vomit. I'm watching "The Bachelor" and I do this to myself every single time. The ladies are so attached and already crying? They've known him for 2 days! Oh brother. Can you imagine being a crew member on this thing?! These hookers get on my nerves.
* I went to Whole Foods tonight for toilet paper. Yes, you can buy toilet paper at a ton of places but 1) I was taking a walk near there and 2) I like buying the kind that's 100% recycled and unbleached. And I spent $61. So much for just toilet paper. I also bought sugar free mini chocolate chip cookies (figure that one out), paraben free hand soap (it's complicated), veggie only sushi rolls (it's not complicated, I don't always like sea meat) and this pricey anti-aging face mask (it burned the hell out of my face).
* I took a bath tonight and was way too close to knicking a very touchy area while shaving my legs. My life flashed before my eyes. I was enjoying the soak when all of a sudden I heard what sounded like a motor and dripping water. Perhaps the neighbors are running some yard tool? The tub is leaking? No. It was Fatty the Cat scratching my towel with her claws and purring. Ha, so cute!