Why oh why do I continue to turn to "experts" when I want to better understand my baby's sleep patterns? It does me no good. The Boy is asleep right now and has been for 2 1/2 hours. This is his new norm. He sleeps almost 3 hours in the AM (the new year is being immensely good to me!) and then has had a 20 minute catnap in the afternoon. "Mr. Chicago Sleep Expert" states in his book that babies ALWAYS phase out their morning naps first and hold onto an afternoon one instead. Well that is definitely not going on here. In fact, very little about The Boy's sleep habits has coincided with what I've read in books. I wish that were not the case because I so desperately have wanted a how-to manual but it just hasn't worked out that way. I know better and yet have continued to waste precious online shopping time reading the various sleep bibles in search of answers.
New Year's Resolution #1-- Put the sleep books down once and for all!
Childless ladies and gentlemen of the Internet who plan to have kids in the future, remember to toss these books out the window from time to time and know that only your baby is the expert on his/her sleep patterns. And then just roll with it. Improvise, if you will. YES, the baby is now asleep AND, therefore, I will use this time to sleep as well/play tetris/watch "The Housewives of Orange County" marathon. It will serve you much better, I promise.
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