Saturday, January 30, 2010

Beaver Boy

We have a beaver living with us.

Do you see those bite marks on this crib?  They're from The Boy.  He's gnawing his way through teething.

Well, why don't you buy those guards you put on the railings?  

I did.  There's a gummy one covering the railing on the left and there's a cloth/pillowy one covering the railing on the right.  The Boy is not to be deterred, however.  Notice he's gone to great lengths to chew on the very top of the ends of his crib (the other side looks the same).  In order to do this he must perform a pull-up, toes barely on the mattress and then hold himself up there while he gnaws away.

I don't know if I should be worried about his consumption of varnish or impressed with his physical feat.  It's a combination of both.

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