Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Sweatshirt Must Be Lined With Spikes. That MUST Be It.

Not sure why Boy is naked.  Oh wait, yes I do.  Because he hates clothes.  The inspiration for this post was prompted by a tantrum over wearing a hooded sweatshirt to go play outdoors.  Sigh.

I fear the neighbors will rise up and revolt against our loud, temperamental ways.

It may be irrational or unnecessary to think this way.  However, if you've ever met my kid--The Most Amazing Boy To Ever Live--you might see my point.  The Boy is "passionate."  That's what one of my friends calls her boys and it's a description fitting for Boy as well.  I don't know if it's the moody age two fast approaching or his recent illness or simply his personality but he is one loud and emoting individual.

I can't imagine where he gets it?  (I look down sheepishly before pointing finger in the direction of his father.)  Alright fine, he gets his personality from BOTH of his parents.  I was hoping it would be like how two negatives make a positive in math but that's not been the case.  We're all positives.  Wildly charged positives.  Mr. Jarcy took The Boy to the doctor to get checked out from his recent bad cold and even the doctor was like, "Woah, this kid is strong."  He probably said it more like, "WOAH!  THIS KID IS STRONG!" because Boy was screaming at the top of his lungs.  I know kids don't love the doctor but when he's as strong and loud as he is it tends to get mighty stressful.  That's why I stayed home (and yet still stressed out you may notice).

He's ours for life (a life he's promised me will be until he's at least 110 years old) and I wouldn't trade him for the world but there are moments when his dramatic screams are enough to send me to the nut house.  Or a house.  I need a house with walls independent of other residences so he can be as loud as he wants and I won't worry as much about him bothering others.

Somehow this post has ended as a plea to the universe for us to secure the sufficient funds for a house in L.A.  Oh boy...

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