Saturday, May 8, 2010


Some babies take naps in their cribs.  Others snooze while eating an apple.  Every few seconds The Boy's head would rise up, take a nibble of the apple and then nod back off.  That's what happens when babies stave off naps all afternoon... one minute you're enjoying a late afternoon snack and the next your face down on your high chair's tray due to overwhelming exhaustion.

If I had a high chair tray I'm pretty sure my head would flop down on it from exhaustion right now too.  One of our marathon nights.  Not familiar?  We's the time when no matter how much activity you provide Baby all day and night, he will still fight off sleep.  At midnight Baby will be whimpering in his crib because you've had the audacity to put him in there to sleep or at the very least pretend for a good 10-12 hours to sleep.  This all happens AFTER he's given you an earful of screaming over the FIRST attempt to put him to bed at 10 PM.  I know, foolish parents!  How could we be such morons to think Baby would want to go to bed at a time when other babies have been slumbering away for close to two hours?  Idiots.

Which brings me to my last item on this post's agenda--what do uber-celebrities do when their babies refuse night time sleep?  I'm talking the Tom Cruises, Victoria Bekhams and Jennifer Whatshernames of the world (I can't remember that one diva Jennifer's last name that's how much fatigue has set in).  Do they even know when their kids are awake at night?  Do they have kids that awaken at night?  Or are they like dolls one sets in a room and then wakes in the morning when it's time for breakfast?  I know they love their children and all, just wondering to what degree--if at all-- they go through some of these parenting milestones like schmucks like me.  

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