Thursday, May 27, 2010

Breaking Story--L.A. News Is Weird

(This picture is in no way related to the post below.  
Please enjoy either one if you must choose between the two.)

I used to have a boyfriend from Kentucky (don't ask).  He came to visit me in Chicagoland once and anything that was different from it's counterpart in Kentucky was deemed "weird."  Street lamps, traffic lights and stores were all considered WEIRD.  Shortly after his arrival I determined he was WEIRD and shipped him back to Kentucky.  (He really did get super WEIRD.)

Now I find myself channeling Kentucky Weirdo as I am now a Californian after residing in Illinois my entire life.  There are plenty of differences but one glaringly obvious example is this thing they call the "local news".

First of all, none of them are memorable, shows or news anchors.  Not a one.  They seem to have a rotating cast of anchors as well.  It doesn't matter which channel I tune into, not one person ever seems to be the same.  Except for the Good Day L.A. folks in the morning and early afternoon.  They are kooky as hell which is one reason I like them. But I can't help but miss my Chicago crew.  Where's Mark Suppelsa when you need him?  Oh, what I wouldn't give for Linda Yu to pop up on the screen!  Let's not even go into the fact I miss the WGN Morning News Show more than a fish would miss water.  Larry Potash rules!  Seriously.  

But no, those folks aren't here.  And these folks are WEIRD.  Many of them dress like they're headed to nightclubs seconds after the newscast ends.  And while I love entertainment "news" more than the next gal, it's still WEIRD when these items are the leading stories.  The "Lost" finale trumped all other items.  I'm pretty sure there's still a few wars going on overseas that could be considered more important (sorry, Jack Shepard but it's true).  Lindsay Lohan should get her own news program at this point.  Lindsay's downward spiral, all day and all night here on NBC!  Tune in at the top of the hour, 10 minutes after the hour and every 5 minutes after that for the next 24 hours to get breaking news on Lindsay!  Jesus.     

I love living here in sunny SoCal but Chicago definitely knows what's going on when it comes to their reporting.  If you're in Chicago, please tell Diane Burns I miss her terribly.  And Larry Potash too please because he really is the coolest.  Seriously.   

1 comment:

Mrs. Jarcy said...

Wowsa, I forgot to clear the spell check so for the first 4 hours of this posting there were a bunch of words highlighted in yellow. It was ugly. I apologize.