You'll notice my site has had a face lift. I've tried to change the design a handful of times over the years but I always go back to the dark hue and dots. Change is hard...even when it comes to switching up your blog's appearance. I'm the same woman who's had Justin Timerblake's "My Love" as her phone's ringtone ever since it came out. I've temporarily changed it but for some reason I can't fully commit to the change.
So I've been trying to switch things up a bit, shaking out of my comfort zone in small ways. I figure I've already done the big changes with having a baby and moving 2500 miles away from my place of origin so a few little ventures from Comfort Land won't kill me. Ha.
1. I'm cooking a lot more. Cooking is a word that often times could be replaced with "assembling Trader Joe's food packages" but it still is categorically cooking. I'm liking it too! Fridays have become pizza night and friends seem to show up whether we've planned for company or not. The Boy is eating tons of solid foods and I'm happy to say most do not come from a jar bought at the store but from the farmer's market and steamed to his liking. It's great, no negative effects from this daring feat.
2. I took a Spin/Yoga class. Spinning is when you sit on a stationary bike and when I say sit I mean you sit on an extremely uncomfortable seat for short amounts of time intermixed with hovering over an extremely uncomfortable seat for long periods of time. It was torture! I knew it would be because a) I had taken a long, steep hike up a neighborhood hill the night before, b) I have a heart condition and c) extreme cardio is not really my thing. But I've always been fearful of a class like that and now I can check it off my list of things I'm afraid to do but will never do. I did it. I still can barely walk but we won't go into that now.
3. Spending money. Ah, this one's a toughie. Mr. Jarcy and I are essentially out of work, however, moving across the street requires you spend a little cash let alone across the country. We've never done a lot of big ticket purchasing and so while the piggy bank will eventually have to be replenished (sooner rather than later I hope), it's been nice to get ourselves set up to our liking. Not always the most exciting purchases--new car battery, printer/scanner and water filters are in no way glamorous-- but essential nonetheless.
I'm sure there are more things I've done to bust out of comfort zone but I'm a blank right now. While I've tried new things, I haven't changed my ring tone from JT just yet. And I like the dots I used to have on the blog, it's very possible they'll return. But for now I like the switch. I feel like I'm becoming a better version of myself these days and making little strides here and there are the name of the game.