Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do You Think Perez Would Change A Diaper?

Hello! Happy Sunday night! It's 9:22pm and The Boy is in bed. I'm not going to hold my breath that he will stay there but it's always nice when this bedtime mumbo jumbo gets started before 10pm and Mommy and Daddy are toast. The last few weeks he's put us through the ringer with bedtime--or lack thereof--so we celebrate these moments.

A high school friend of mine lives out here and has been nice enough to share with me all of the mommy resources. I told her I was thinking about a play group or class for The Boy and I to join and she sent me 4 or 5 links. (I should be making her a casserole or something as a token of my gratitude.) I'm sure I'll check out all the groups she's sent my way, however, I can't help but wonder if Perez Hilton might join us for a play date too. I've been reading his celebrity gossip site since long before he moved to L.A. and in my head we are good friends. Of course, I'm the same person who mistook Dale, a contestant from the reality cooking show "Top Chef" as someone I knew when I saw him on Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Oops, I don't know you! I only think I know you because I watched you prepare critiqued meals on TV! It was a bit awkward for us both.

I don't get this way with big stars. Throw Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise in front of my path and I'm sure to pretend I don't care in the least. And in many ways I don't. I don't need them thinking they're any more extraordinary than they already do. Perez Hilton though, hmm, I'd like to sit and chat with him. Or Joel McHale from The Soup. Kathy Griffin would be super fun too. Tom Bergeron the host on Dancing With The Stars and America's Funniest Videos... yes, I must have an affinity for the working class of celebrity comedians. Take out the word "celebrity" and I just described the majority of my friends out here.

Okay, 15 minutes until Mad Men and then I can sleep (please, Boy, please don't alter this plan). Maybe I'll email Perez and see if he's free to meet up later this week. I've got a Pilates class Wednesday and then I'm wide open...

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