Monday, April 14, 2008

My Inner Fashionista Is Aghast

The internet is all abuzz with news Nina Garcia is no longer the fashion director for ELLE magazine.  People seem to be freaking out over this...oh my goodness!  Poor Nina, what is she going to do now?  Will she be allowed to judge on Project Runway still?!  Eeeeek!!!

1)  Did anyone know who Nina Garcia was before Project Runway?  This isn't Anna Wintour of Vogue here.  No offense to Nina Garcia but I only know of this woman from being on TV.
2)  Do folks read ELLE??? 
3)  Seriously, who out there reads ELLE?!  Is it ELLE or Elle?  I don't even know.  This magazine is so far down on my magazine buying totem poll it's not even on the poll.  

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