Blah, nope. Ah well, it's a weird time of year and stuff is just starting to grow back. So I can excuse the outdoor landscape but here's what I saw inside my room...
Oh yum, yum! What better way to spend an evening away from home than enjoying a six pack of Bud. Alone. In a hotel room. Alone. Bud.

Clearly I am not this ad's target market. It's weird to me that Holiday Inn seems so thrilled with this offer. It's not simply written in a room service menu, no, no--it has it's very own table promo just like the children's zoo. Where's the promo offering a six pack of beauty goodies? You know, lotion, eye pillow, body scrub, etc. Now that would be worth it. I might even be enticed by a six pack of import beer. Believe me, just spend one or two nights in a hotel with a star rating above 2 and you will become a travel snob. It doesn't have to be the fancy shmanciest place in all the land but a great bed and equally great toiletries offering does the trick. A six pack of beer is nothing compared to a bottle of red wine, cheese/fruit plate and plushy bath robe--that trip was great! Of course the view from that place was not the above of a Holiday Inn outside Pittsburgh, it was this...

Aha! There we go. See, even overcast skies can't dampen this landscape (although the shopping centers popping up everywhere don't help it). Those are the trips I wish I never had to return home! One of these days I'll just send for my husband and cats and we'll live out our days in hotel bliss. Room service every day please! Replenish my shampoo and shoe polish every day please! Plushy bath robe...you get the idea.
That wasn't my original point though. Yes it is wonderful to stay in a nice hotel and I love it. But I am also more than satisfied with my not so great hotel room outside of Pittsburgh. And my tiny, tiny room in New York City wasn't half bad either. I think I missed my calling as a roadie...
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