Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Am A Retention Pond With All This Swelling

Whoever said the 9th month of pregnancy is easy was sorely mistaken.  Oh wait, nobody has ever said that.  In fact, they've only declared the opposite.  I've already told Mr. Jarcy that in the event I decide I want more children, he is to refuse and buy me a pony instead.  I'm not sure I can hold him to this but we'll see.  

I feel kind of guilty saying the above as I can't wait to meet my little dude.  I feel very lucky to be so close to mommyhood but, good lord, it has been a bumpy road.  It doesn't help that it's been one of the coldest/snowiest/iciest winters on record.  Our heat won't rise above 64...grrrr.

Alright, me and my support hose are going to bed.

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