Thursday, July 29, 2010

Toy Strollers Only Come In "Girl" Versions Which Is Sexist

"This picture is sort of blurry because I won't sit still for one second.  I gotta push this stroller everywhere!  Who could you blame me really, this thing is awesome!"  

The Boy has his very own stroller to stroll.  I bought it at a resale shop and he's been pushing it around the apartment and all the building's hallways ever since.  He's also been mainly sporting a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt and diaper.  He's been quite a sight.  I've tried to put various items in the stroller for him to stroll--a ball, a stuffed bear, myself--but he wouldn't have any of it.  By the end of last night, however, he was piling his cars onto the pink strawberry seat.  Today he took the stroller to the park with his father.  Yes, quite a sight indeed.    

1 comment:

Lois said...

My nieces have a stroller that is navy blue and tan, but it's also the DELUXE version - the one that comes with the mini car seat you can transfer your dolls around with. Pink is fine though - he will learn gender roles from his peers soon enough - K already is! :(