Saturday, December 27, 2008


I always thought babies in utero were asleep until they were born.  I knew that they kicked and moved around but I still didn't think they were awake-- I thought they were hibernating or something.    

Well I was wrong.

It's obvious that at times my little Fetus Boy is awake and ready for action.  I went to an improv show a few months back, sat behind the piano player and Baby Jarcy wiggled around the whole time.  Then a few weeks back a transformer blew up in the alley across the street in the middle of the night and Baby Jarcy woke up startled by it even before I did.  He can sleep through lots of noise and then wake up in total silence.  He especially likes to wake up in the middle of the night when I am asleep.  I will be soundly asleep (not an easy feat these days) and all of a sudden start dreaming about movement.  Then a few minutes later I'll wake up realizing that He is moving all around and prompted the dream events.  Oh yeah, and he LOVES to move around when I'm sitting in the car.  How does he know it's the car?  I have no idea but my fetus is very smart and he seems to know.  My coat cannot be buttoned up--he doesn't like it--and he kicks all over the place until I open up my outer layer.  Then he kicks some more.  

He just kicked me right now.  Heehee.  And his little hands are way down in my pelvis and they like to move all around.  A totally surreal feeling at times, lemme tell ya.  It's bittersweet--I'm ready to reclaim my body but I'm also going to miss my Belly Boy terribly when he's out on his own.     

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