The Boy is asleep. ??!?!!! HE IS ASLEEP!
Now I know you must be saying to yourself, "Well, Mrs. Jarcy, it IS past 11pm so OF COURSE your baby is asleep."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, it doesn't work that way with him* (*= I can only vouch for my own child).
Earlier today he screamed his lungs out for 10 minutes because he was overtired and nothing would lull him to sleep. Then later on I let him nurse/sleep off me for close to 2 hours because I thought I might die of exhaustion. Now I know you must be saying to yourself, "Well, Mrs. Jarcy, surely there are other ways to make your baby sleep." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, it doesn't work that way with him. *. And I don't know about you, but one must be really, really desperate for rest if they sign up for this activity. It's not like he ate that whole time, that was just the way I could keep him mildly sedated/half asleep so I could be mildly sedated/half asleep. And you are definitely tired if you can sleep through my little alligator nursing off you the entire time.
Tonight he's been up for close to 3 hours (babies his age should be awake for 2 hours and that's about it) so I thought FOR SURE we'd have Meltdown City like earlier (well and last night if you want to count more than one day).
But no! He is asleep.
He just flopped around in his pack and play for a little bit and then PUT HIMSELF TO SLEEP. No cries, no carrying on, no marathon nursing session. And for those of you who are saying to yourself, "Well, Mrs. Jarcy, I put myself to sleep all the time. I don't see why you're making such a big deal about this." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, it doesn't work that way with him*. Let me tell you, my friend, getting my baby to sleep--especially when said baby is toasty tired--is like lulling a wired up heroin addict to sleep while they experience heavy withdrawal. Actually, it's way tougher because you're not expected to breastfeed the heroin addict.
I better shut my own wired up brain down now. If I don't start getting myself some more rest soon I will be looking for something with more of an edge than caffeine. Like heroin.